Stewardship Committee

The parish Stewardship Committee is a group of 8 - 10 parishioners who seek to educate our parish about the theology of Christian Stewardship and to inform and invite all members of the parish to opportunities to practice personal and communal Stewardship. Committee meetings are held monthly. In addition to times of personal formation, the Committee will plan education opportunities and activities to highlight and promote a Stewardship way of life in imitation of Jesus’ own teaching and lifestyle in the gospels.

Christian Stewardship involves an awareness that everything we have comes as a gift from God and that our responsibility in return is to share a portion of God’s generosity to us with one another, especially those in greatest need. This would include gifts of our time, our talent, and our treasure. Christian Stewardship is simply putting the disciple’s lifestyle into concrete ways of living and courses of action. The Disciples of Jesus also become conscientious Stewards of all we’ve been given by the Father.

Stewardship is not simply making donations or taking care of the building and grounds. It is a spirituality - hence a way of life - made of four parts:

  • Receiving the gifts of God with gratitude.
  • Cultivating them responsibly.
  • Sharing them lovingly in justice with others.
  • Standing before the Lord in a spirit of accountability.

It is up to you to determine how you will live out this stewardshipway of life.

Interested? Contact Fr. Mike Solazzo for more information.

Feel free to call with questions or concerns!
Parish Office
773-763-8228 or e-mail at